Cheers to that time I left my heart in San Francisco
It was about time I visited San Francisco. I had heard millions of good things and I had seen a ton of pictures, and San Francisco experienced in first person certainly did not disappointed. Over the Memorial Day Weekend, the husband and another couple of mutual friends (Jess & Joe) headed west to California and even though our itinerary included a red-eye flight coming back home I think I speak for everyone that this is one of the best trips we have taken. I owed to Jess one of the most incredible moments I have experienced while traveling: crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on a bike. I think you can appreciate better how incredible this experience was for me if I disclose that by the time I had booked the cycling tour (2 months in advance) I did not know how to ride a bike. That's right, say it: I'm a fool. Thankfully, my husband is a pro on a bike and Blazing Saddles (the biking tour company) had tandems available. So, if you ever see yourself in a situation like this, be open-minded, get creative, and find out alternatives to do it anyways, but do not deprive yourself of an experience you will always remember.
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